Sunday, December 27, 2015
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Changing The World
By Stephanie E. Wilson-Coleman
Author of Be Sure You Dance: Life’s lessons to make every moment count,
Embracing Life’s Lessons and Is Anybody Listening? ·
Every moment life prepares and presents to us a smorgasbord of opportunities that entice us to embrace or betray our true selves. If we are not careful, we are lured into comfort, into a place where we readily trade our independence, our ideas, our health and even our self worth for the feeling of security, the ambiance of wealth, the illusion of being respected by others. If we are not diligent, we will find ourselves in the same predicament as Judas, selling our beliefs, our spirituality for a few pieces of silver. We find it easier to become absorbed with appearances. We quickly forget who we are and how powerful we are.
Every time we allow ourselves to speak negatively about our finances, money, health, jobs, family etc, we bound our intentions and our vibrations with the creative life force. This will ensure our experiences are filled with lack and limitation.
If we persist, our lives, our communities will continue to be filled with crime, poverty and illness.
Breaking the spell is critical to our transformation, our resurrection, our success. Because our
vibration extends far beyond our physical bodies, we have the power to change the world.
Changing the world is easier than we believe. A good place to start is to affirm the goodness in life. Most conversations are filled with all that is wrong with our lives. Vow to talk about what is right with your life.
The more you affirm the good things, the more the Universe will ensure you have good to talk about. 
It will not be long before you are experiencing round the clock blessings. Decide who you will serve. We say we believe in God, but all we seem to talk about is “the devil”. We do “good” things because we fear the consequences. Start to eliminate any belief you have in dual powers. There is only one power and that power is God. Embrace change. Because we must evolve beyond our current existence, change is mandatory. If you live each day as an “adventure”, you will give birth to extraordinary qualities. Then you will be able to change the world.
Live the life you’ve imagined. Dream Big.
Stephanie lives her inspiration as the founder of The Champagne Connection, Inc. which is dedicated to helping others transform their lives so they may live their dreams. Stephanie is the Host of the television show “A Sip of Inspiration, author of 3 books and the publisher of the online empowerment magazine”
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
It's All a Mistake
By Stephanie E. Wilson-Coleman
Author of Be Sure You Dance: Life’s lessons to make every moment count,
Embracing Life’s Lessons and Is Anybody Listening? •
Our society has participated in orchestrating a set
of intricately woven lies that we have eagerly and wholeheartedly embraced.
consumers, too quickly do we accept outer appearances as reality. There are those who believe aging is almost
always the forerunner to poor health; only the opinions of wealthy people are
important; money substance is available in limited quantities and only to a
select few; you can receive something other than what you give. Now hear this! Aging is a mistake; money substance
is unlimited; and you reap what you sow—not sometimes, but all the time.
teachers and prophets have roamed this earth plane to dispel these myths. Mohammed, Buddha, Abraham and even Jesus Christ
have all taught varying aspects of these truths with the dominant truth being
"you reap what you sow.” We always receive what we expect to receive and
not what we pray for. Doing whatever it takes to change our thinking, by
eliminating all negative thoughts and replacing them with a prosperous knowing,
must become a task we commit to every day for the remainder of our life. Whatever we believe will always recreate
itself in our human experiences.
Our society’s common belief in aging—that getting
older is the forerunner of poor health—is a mistake. Poor health, as well as
visible outer signs of aging, is simply an out-picturing of our beliefs. If we
believe with each birthday we will look older, then we will. If we allow
negative thinking and attitudes to persist, we will have poor health. The human
body is an amazing machine. The organs function without any conscious prompting
by us; both internal and external body parts shed the old cells and replace
them with new cells at regular intervals.
Because the body is in a state of constant renewal, aging and illnesses
are conditions and beliefs that we force into our consciousness.
prosperity is the next most misunderstood concept. Having money has nothing to
do with money. Money substance is about what we believe. Holding onto worn-out emotions,
worn-out relationships, feelings of envy, jealousy and hatred will block any
flow of prosperity. Planting seeds of discontent and malice is sure to yield a
garden of poverty and destitution. So here again, watch not only your thoughts
but guard your words as if you were protecting the winning lottery ticket.
Spirit is
always in charge. By following the examples of our teachers, we will always
remain connected to our source of power—God, the good omnipotent. By staying
focused on the I AM, illness, poverty and malcontent will be replaced with good
health, prosperity and joy. Establishing and maintaining spiritual integrity ensures
a life filled with good things. Bid farewell to aging, poverty and unhappiness
Welcome health, wealth, youth and beauty. Dare to
live beyond miracles!
lives her inspiration as the founder of The Champagne Connection, Inc. which is
dedicated to helping others transform their lives so they may live their
dreams. Stephanie is the Host of the television show “A Sip of Inspiration,
author of 3 books and the publisher of the online empowerment magazine
Sunday, October 11, 2015
The Cosmic Disease
Stephanie E. Wilson-Coleman
Author of Be Sure You Dance: Life’s lessons to make every moment count,
Embracing Life’s Lessons and Is Anybody
Listening? •
Let the
bells ring; sound the trumpets. The Good news is here . . . The master plan for
every living thing on the face of the earth is in full effect. We should be
rejoicing every minute of our life. This means everything we encounter is
always for our good. Because we allow ourselves to be constantly bombarded with
negative news, we must, without fail, exercise our faculty of imagination if we
are to uncover the good that surrounds us. However, the benefits of regularly
exercising this faculty will leave no aspect of our life untouched, and the
good we imagine will always manifest in our lives in proportions greater than
even we hoped for.
In spite
of this promise, this guarantee, we have chosen to allow our lives to become
tainted with the worst disease there is—Fear.
society has perpetuated a “me” consciousness that can be found at the core of
all disease. My house, my car, my job,
mine . . . mine . . . mine. On the surface this seems harmless, but if we were
to dig deeper into the subconscious, fear is what we would find. The
uncertainty that “Our Father” will take care of us is running rampant in every
phase of our life, causing us to cling to false realities for comfort, i.e.
financial wealth, possession, etc. In the midst of these comforts, our soul
still cries out in anguish and despair. We often find ourselves paralyzed, our
career growth stifled and our personal growth nonexistent. Once we can conquer
the enemy within, there will be no enemy in the outer.
If you
look closer at the problems that exist in the race consciousness, you will find
fear. Fear is the creator of and
masquerades as racism, sexism, greed, overachieving, underachieving and
The only
cure for this disease is to realize that “Our Father,” who art in heaven, will
never fail us or forsake us. Knowing that every problem comes divinely wrapped
in its own solution should empower us and encourage us to be more creative, not
paralyze us with fear. Sometimes, after we spend years pursuing an education,
our dreams and our inner voice becomes obscure.
time, this inner voice will lessen to a mere whisper, unable to be heard over
the clamor of the world. The world teaches us to dance to the drummer of the
majority, while the Creator urges us to listen to Him and follow His
instructions. You see, the power comes from doing what God says. Faith is the
necessary armor while on your path, but it is not the only ingredient, for
faith is an action word. We must become doers of the instructions for our
individual journeys.
Practice listening
to the music, keep on following your star and remember morning cannot be far. Learn to listen and follow your inner
guidance, God's still small voice. This is the pathway out of fear; then and
only then can miracles occur.
Fear is the only thing we shall be afraid of. It is the host encamped against us, not the confusion around us, that we need to fear; it is the lack of confidence in the good that alone should cause concern. —Ernest Holmes
lives her inspiration as the founder of The Champagne Connection, Inc. which is
dedicated to helping others transform their lives so they may live their
dreams. Stephanie is the Host of the television show “A Sip of Inspiration,
author of 3 books and the publisher of the online empowerment magazine
Saturday, September 19, 2015
The Best is
Yet to Come
Empowerment Doctor,
Stephanie E. Wilson-Coleman, author of "Be Sure You Dance: Life's
lessons to help you make every moment count" and creator of the Ignite
Your Inner Millionaire Conference, will be the guest speaker at the South Side
Unity Center of Christianity, 9320 S. Ashland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60620.
As an author,
motivational speaker and TV host, Wilson-Coleman has been a ray of hope and the
catalyst that has activated change in many lives. Wilson-Coleman continues to
share how she has overcome some of life’s most challenging events including
teen pregnancy and temporary homeless to become a financial expert which an MBA
from the University of Chicago.
Stephanie Wilson-Coleman says “we want our lives to change, but we don’t want to change ourselves, our behavior. Engaging in gossip, participating in conversations that affirm the poor state of the economy, talking about too much month at the end of our money, and offering unwanted advice and opinions about what other folk our doing are ways to keep you from experiencing a cup that overflows.”
Stephanie Wilson-Coleman says “we want our lives to change, but we don’t want to change ourselves, our behavior. Engaging in gossip, participating in conversations that affirm the poor state of the economy, talking about too much month at the end of our money, and offering unwanted advice and opinions about what other folk our doing are ways to keep you from experiencing a cup that overflows.”
Saturday, September 12, 2015
LAST DAY TO REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE OF A LIFE TIME DID YOU KNOW? FACT: Studies have proven that Success is 80% Mindset and 20% Strategy. Mindsets are the beliefs you have about yourself. Strategy is the tools & methods you use to accomplish your goals. REGISTER NOW...Registration ends September 12, 2015 Join me Live for the Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference October 3, 2015 at the Tinley Park Convention Center, 18451 Convention Center Drive, Tinley Park IL. 8:30 AM-3:30 PM. Register at
Friday, September 11, 2015
ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT TO REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE OF A LIFE TIME DID YOU KNOW? FACT: Studies have proven that Success is 80% Mindset and 20% Strategy. Mindsets are the beliefs you have about yourself. Strategy is the tools & methods you use to accomplish your goals. REGISTER NOW...Registration ends September 12, 2015 Join me Live for the Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference October 3, 2015 at the Tinley Park Convention Center, 18451 Convention Center Drive, Tinley Park IL. 8:30 AM-3:30 PM. Register at
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
When I identified, transformed and released the "secret" beliefs I was holding onto, I started seeing success in ways I could never have thought possible. And now I am ready to show you how. Now as you continue to read my words, imagine yourself free of all the inner noise. Join me LIVE for a life changing experience that was created just for you at the Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference, October 3, 2015, Tinley Park Convention Center, 18451 Convention Center Drive, Tinley Park, IL. 60477 Register at
Monday, September 7, 2015
Mind Games - Tips to Unclutter Your Mind CHICAGO – September 7, 2015 - PRLog Empowerment Doctor, Stephanie E. Wilson-Coleman, author of "Be Sure You Dance: Life's lessons to help you make every moment count" and creator of the Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference, has published her new blog, Mind Games: Tips to Unclutter Your Mind. As an author, motivational speaker and TV host, Wilson-Coleman has been a ray of hope and the catalyst that has activated change in many lives. Wilson-Coleman continues to share how she has overcome some of life’s most challenging events including teen pregnancy and temporary homeless to become a financial expert which an MBA from the University of Chicago. Stephanie Wilson-Coleman says "Your choices are always reflected in your experiences. If you don’t want what you’re experiencing, make different choices.” Visit: or
Mind Games
Mind Games
we look at our accomplishments, possessions and the state of our finances and
wonder what happened? What went
wrong? We know something as gone
terribly awry, yet we are unable to identify the cause, nor are we able to
provide a diagnosis. We begin to review
our life, our habits. We even discard
all physical clutter. We are aware of the power of the mind to create, but we
overlook the fact that it is the state of our mind that creates our
experience. We are more comfortable working
with what is in the outer. To us, our
inner self appears to be far too mysterious.
We fail to remember that we are in control of our mind.
At any point in our lives, we are actively engaged in the past or the
future. If we honestly analyzed our
thoughts, we would discover that we seldom focus on the “NOW”. We allow our minds to ponder yesterday’s
activities and conversation that occurred long ago. We replay experiences in the past, re-live
old hurts and when we look at our demonstrations we seem surprised.
No matter how smart we are, how well developed our intellect or how much
savvy we possess, we cannot outsmart life.
What we think about will manifest.
It is the law.
Because we ask, seek and knock using our thoughts, as you read this
column what other scenes are playing in your mind? How well are you able to stay in the “now”?
Because the experiences that occur in our lives are based upon our
beliefs, we are constantly living what we believe and not what we pray
for. The Bhagavad-Gita reminds us “when
the mind constantly runs after the wandering senses, it drives away wisdom,
like the wind blowing a ship off course.”
In order to improve the quality of your demonstrations, striving to live
in the moment must become paramount. We
give more power and energy to good eating habits and exercise than we do to the
power of our thoughts. If your mind is
cluttered and allowed to constantly wonder, no amount of outer activity will
save you. Error thoughts have the power
to poison and destroy the best intentions.
Today, at this moment, make it your goal to stay in the moment. Watch your thoughts and diligently discard any
that do not support the goals you have set for your life. Remember, life is too short to drink cheap
Big! Life the life you have imagined.
lives her inspiration as the founder of The Champagne Connection, Inc. which is
dedicated to helping others transform their lives so they may live their
dreams. Stephanie is the Host of the television show “A Sip of Inspiration”,
author of 3 books and the publisher of the online empowerment magazine
Are you ready to take the leap toward success and rewrite your life's story by using the power of thought, word and actions? Are you ready to create a life that works? The 2015 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference is for you. Go to and register today. Registration ends September 12, 2015.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
I ask "what story are you telling in your life today? If you story is filled with adversity and obstacles, I can help you rewrite it. The 2015 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference is a day power-packed with vibrant sessions that will boost self esteem and build the confidence of those in attendance. Participants will be inspired to create millionaire habits, reorganize their life to live their dreams, set attainable goals to experience their ideal life and more.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Are you ready to take the leap toward success and rewrite your life's story by using the power of thought, word and actions? Are you ready to create a life that works? The 2015 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference is for you. Go to and register today. Registration ends September 12, 2015. Time is running out.
Friday, September 4, 2015
When I identified, transformed and released the "secret" beliefs I was holding onto, I started seeing success in ways I could never have thought possible. And now I am ready to show you how. Now as you continue to read my words, imagine yourself free of all the inner noise. Join me LIVE for a life changing experience that was created just for you. In order to achieve success you have to first awaken the millionaire that lives inside of you. Once the inner giant is awakened, then you will be able to jump start the outer millionaire. Join me Live for the Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference, October 3, 2015, Tinley Park Convention Center, 18451 Convention Center Drive, Tinley Park, IL. 60477 Register at
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Stage Set for another Dynamic Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference Empowerment Doctor, Stephanie E. Wilson-Coleman, is set to inject another dose of inspiration and empowerment at the Ignite Your Inner Millionaire conference scheduled for October 3, 2015 at Tinley Park Convention Center in Illinois. It will be a day power-packed with vibrant sessions that will boost self esteem and build the confidence of those in attendance. Participants will be inspired to create millionaire habits, reorganize their life to live their dreams, set attainable goals to experience their ideal life and more. Register Today-www.igniteyourinnermillionaire. Seating is very limited.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
If you’ve been on the fence about attending IGNITE YOUR INNER MILLIONAIRE, just realize now…taking action is your next step. If you don’t take action and sign up, I simply can’t help you IGNITE YOUR INNER MILLIONAIRE. Join me LIVE for the Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference. October 3, 2015, Tinley Park Convention Center, Tinley Park, IL for $ 125.00 per person. Register Today at
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Are you ready to take the leap toward success and rewrite your life's story by using the power of thought, word and actions? Are you ready to create a life that works? The 2015 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference is for you. Go to and register today. Registration ends September 12, 2015. Time is running out.
Monday, August 31, 2015
The Ignite Your Inner Millionaire conference’s sole aim is to help people stop punishing themselves for the mistakes they may have made in the past and using these mistakes as a Launchpad to achieving greater things by avoiding these mistakes the next time around. Let us help you jumpstart your inner millionaire. Register today at www.igniteyourmillionaire.con “Stephanie Wilson – Coleman’s workshops and counseling are phenomenal. I have personally witnessed her effectiveness in helping others move to the next level in their lives. Her techniques are unique, in that they combine traditional spiritual and new – age components that helps everyone conquer the residue left by life’s traumatic experiences. - Danielle (Dani) Waters, Stylist and owner of Total Hair Experience (T. H. E) Salon.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Fire Marshall threatens to shut down Orlando Convention Center due to wall to wall, standing room only crowds (Orlando, FL) Stephanie Wilson-Coleman, the Empowerment Doctor, author of Be Sure You Dance: Life’s lessons to make every moment count; Embracing Life’s Lessons: Journey to Inner Peace and Tranquility and Is Anybody Listening? A Journey to Wholeness and Host of A Sip of Inspiration Television Show, filled the Orlando Convention Center with wall to wall, standing room only crowds rooms for her workshops - Me, Myself & I; The Core Relationship; Get a Life: Setting Yourself up for Success and Toxic Relationships. Stephanie Wilson-Coleman, a key facilitator for the 2015 Blacks in Government National Training Institute Conference held August 24-27, 2015, led participants through soul cleansing and tear-jerking memories and experiences so they could clear the path to success and prosperity in their own lives.
For those whose dreams have been derailed by the mountains in their lives, e.g. poverty, abuse, teenage parents, etc. but still have a strong desire to achieve something great in their lifetime. Finally, You can now get instant access to the exact success used by some of the most successful people on the plant but time is running out short, so take action now. Claim your seats now at
Saturday, August 29, 2015
4 easy steps to put you on the road to financial success
Are You Financially Fit?
4 easy steps to put you on the road to financial success
“Be ye transformed by the renewing of your
mind (Romans 12:2)” is a bible verse we are all too familiar with. We are always renewing our minds, but are we
changing the way we think and feel about money?
We’ve become addicted to easy ways to
accomplish our dreams. We stay in touch
with our family and friends, and send birthday greetings and well wishes using
social media. Somehow making the phone
call and having the actual conversation has become burdensome. If we will not do the work to nurture key
relationships, then we will not do the work required to change our beliefs and
actions to the level required to make it to “millionaire” status. So we look for the easy way to become a
millionaire. We choose to play the
lottery. This lottery consciousness has
taken us by a storm. 20% of Americans regularly
invest in a game, with the hope of winning, that has the worst odds – 1 in 175
million. But everyone wants to be a
millionaire. And this seems to be the
quick way. But Proverbs 10:4 says “Lazy
hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.”
Money is energy and all energy is creating
with our relationship with our thoughts, feelings, images and action. How you feel about money plus how you
circulate money will determine your financial wealth. Developing a millionaire mind-set or
consciousness is required if you are to “Be a Millionaire”; and it is easier
than you think. Because 85% of all
millionaires and 75% of all billionaires are self-made, the odds of becoming a
millionaire are better than the odds of winning the lottery.
Let’s start with the easy steps.
– Where you place your attention is what you create. Every day write down 3 - 5 things for which
you are grateful. This keeps your mind focused on positive
things. The Happiness Advantage has
proven that the brain works better at the positive and not the negative. When you are happy, your productively
increases by 31% and 40% more likely to receive a promotion.
Stop Hosting Pity Parties – In the
midst of challenges in your life, look for the win-win. Stop associating with “pitiful” people;
people who are always complaining, always sad and never had a good things to
talk about.
Don’t talk about your problems; you can
never rise above the level of your conversation. Practice the 80/20 rule. 80% of the people don’t care and 20% of the
people are glad it is you.
what you want - One of the biggest obstacles to making money is our lack of
understanding. But to make money, you
must be financially literate.
Visualization will help you see yourself
in your wealth, so create a mental video that you watch several times a day and
create an audio recording using your voice that contains statements about your
Create a Road map -
Build a bridge between visualization to reality by setting goals
Set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals
Daily complete 5 things toward you vision
With each goal, list action steps that you will create
With these
steps you are well on your way. “Whoever
can be trusted with very little can be trusted with much.”
life is too short to drink cheap champagne.
Dream Big.
We are MISSING the fact that success is not dependent on the workplace or the economy. It is fueled by our thoughts, our beliefs and our emotions. If you do not change your mindset, you will not change your life. In the Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference you will learn and “TEST” simple strategies to change your belief. Don't miss this life changing event. Register today at
Friday, August 28, 2015
I remember it like it was yesterday…I was so hesitant to invest in the ONE event that shifted my life—overnight. From a life filled with enormous struggles. to a life filled with abundance. I often think back and wonder—where would I be had I not taken that action—invested that tiny sum (which seemed huge at the time!), gotten up early that day—put on my Sunday best—and discovered the missing key to IGNITING MY OWN INNER MILLIONAIRE…I’d hate for you to miss out, but I’ll be 100% HONEST. You’ll never know what it’s like unless you sign up now. Sign up today at
Thursday, August 27, 2015
If you’ve been on the fence about attending IGNITE YOUR INNER MILLIONAIRE, just realize now…taking action is your next step. If you don’t take action and sign up, I simply can’t help you IGNITE YOUR INNER MILLIONAIRE. Join me LIVE for the Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference. October 3, 2015, Tinley Park Convention Center, Tinley Park, IL for $ 125.00 per person. Register Today at
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
So I’m here, to remind YOU, that it’s time to reclaim your Prosperity birthright, acknowledge your true power, and IGNITE YOUR INNER MILLIONAIRE. It’s 1 day, and while you’ll get everything you need to IGNITE YOUR INNER MILLIONAIRE, if it were up to me—just knowing what I’d know—I’d even sign up just to make connections (because you never know how many amazing people you’ll rub elbows with at my events). Join us today. Register Today at Seating is limited.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
The Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference, which is more like a boot camp, designed to create the intensity necessary to bring inner adversity and turmoil to closure so you can finally stop sabotaging your success. For 1 amazing life changing day, you will be immersed in high-energy exercises designed to teach you how to resolve conflicts, achieve goals, boost your self-esteem, build your confidence and create financial prosperity. Seating is limited. Already 50% sold. Register today at
Monday, August 24, 2015
I am extending a personal invitation to you to attend one of the most powerful conferences of the year - The 2015 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference. I created a powerful conference that helps you dig deep inside of yourself and discover what’s been holding you back. No matter what you do in the outer, if what you believe deep down inside is not in alignment with what you do in the outer, you will not be successful. Register Today at and discover the missing piece.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Do you have what it takes to make bold moves that will change your life? Or are you content living a humdrum life? Which is it? In order to achieve success, you have to first awaken the millionaire that lives inside of you. Once the inner giant is awaken, then you will be able to jump start the outer millionaire. The Ignite Your Inner Millionaire conference’s sole aim is to help people stop punishing themselves for the mistakes they may have made in the past and using these mistakes as a Launchpad to achieving greater things by avoiding these mistakes the next time around. “Stephanie Wilson – Coleman’s workshops and counseling are phenomenal. I have personally witnessed her effectiveness in helping others move to the next level in their lives. Her techniques are unique, in that they combine traditional spiritual and new – age components that helps everyone conquer the residue left by life’s traumatic experiences. Register Today at
Saturday, August 22, 2015
What if you could take your frustrations and turn them into dreams? I created a powerful conference that helps you dig deep inside of yourself and discover what’s been holding you back. When I finally got it……no matter what you do in the outer, if what you believe deep down inside is not in alignment with what you do in the outer, you will not be successful. My story began in Little Rock, Arkansas, where I graduated at the top of her class despite of becoming a mother at 15; experiencing multiple instances of sexual abuse, and temporary homelessness. Today, I am happily married and financially secure. And life just gets better and better. You can do it too. Join me LIVE for the Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference October 3, 2015 at the Tinley Park Convention Center, 18451 Convention Center Tinley Park IL.
Friday, August 21, 2015
So what do you say? Are you ready to take the leap? Are you ready to live the story of a lifetime? The Ignite Your Millionaire conference is one not to be missed and is for anyone who wants to experience rebirth, growth and success in their life. One of last year's participants, Tonya Smith said: "The 2014 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire conference was enlightening and empowering for women. Great information was imparted and I learned the great qualities I had." Registration for the conference is now on and will end on September 12, 2015. Registration is free but the conference fee is $125 per person. For further information or to register to attend the event, visit:
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Are you ready to take the leap toward success and rewrite your life's story by using the power of thought, word and actions? Are you ready to create a life that works? The 2015 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference is for you. Go to and register today. Registration ends September 12, 2015.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
I ask "what story are you telling in your life today? If you story is filled with adversity and obstacles, I can help you rewrite it. The 2015 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference is a day power-packed with vibrant sessions that will boost self esteem and build the confidence of those in attendance. Participants will be inspired to create millionaire habits, reorganize their life to live their dreams, set attainable goals to experience their ideal life and more. Go to to register today, Registration end September 12, 2015.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Are you ready to take the leap toward success and rewrite your life's story by using the power of thought, word and actions? Are you ready to create a life that works? The 2015 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference is for you. Go to and register today. Registration ends September 12, 2015. Time is running out.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
A Sip of Inspiration celebrated its 99th show with Terisa Griffin and Zemrah Songstress, two wonderful and talented Divas. They are truly living their dreams. May all your storms be weathered And all that's good get better. Here's to life. Here's to love. Here's to you. Thank you for sharing these lyrics with me and my viewers. Thank you for making my 99th show memorable, inspirational and a lot of fun. Both of you touched my heart.
Friday, July 10, 2015
I am Stephanie Wilson-Coleman, the Empowerment Doctor and I have a story to tell. My story is filled with conflict, villains, roadblocks, moral dilemmas, spiritual awakenings and success. So I ask “what story are you telling in your life today”? If your story is filled with adversity, obstacles and addictions, I can help you rewrite you story. Are you are ready to take the leap toward success and rewrite your life’s story by using the power of thought, word and actions? My workshops, conferences and products will help you make a permanent U-turn on the path of failure to the road of success. I can guide you in replacing self-limiting beliefs with beliefs that empower. So what do you say? Are you ready to take the leap? Are you ready to live the story of a lifetime?
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Thursday, June 25, 2015
When I identified, transformed and released the "secret" beliefs I was holding onto, I started seeing success in ways I could never have thought possible. And now I am ready to show you how. As you continue to read my words, imagine yourself free of all the inner noise. Join me LIVE for a life changing experience that was created just for you. In order to achieve success you have to first awaken the millionaire that lives inside of you. Once the inner giant is awakened , then you will be able to jump start the outer millionaire. Join me Live for the Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference, October 3, 2015 Tinley Park Convention Center, 18451 Convention Center Drive, Tinley Park. IL 60477, 8:30 AM -4:30 PM. Go to Register Today.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Join me for the 2015 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference. You will learn to You will learn to: · Identify & prioritize what's important to you · Identify mindless activities that are keeping you from living your best life now · Set attainable goals to achieve your ideal life · Identify activities/people are that derailing your future · Evaluate Your Relationship with Money · Create millionaire habits right where you are Register today at
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Friday, April 10, 2015
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Friday, April 3, 2015
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Learn to be still and listen to Spirit every step of the way for Spirit is the source. Everybody and everything else are only channels for the Universe to express Its All-ness. Spirit is omnipotent and is constantly guiding us to the right channels. #asipofinspiration #champagneconnection #empowermentdoctor
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
No matter how devastating your financial situation, breaking your addiction to negative words, conversations and thoughts will dramatically improve your finances. Break this addiction by finding something in your life to be grateful for. If you can only find one thing to be grateful for, do not worry. The Universe is not concerned with quantity.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Friday, March 6, 2015
The process of life is a perfect vehicle of growth designed and created by the Divine Presence. Because life is perfect, we are doing exactly what we should be doing in order to feed our soul and further our spiritual journey. There are no mistakes. It is our perception that needs to be adjusted. We must release all perceived mistakes. Forgive and love yourself, and begin to focus on the perfection of Spirit’s life, your life.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Course of Miracles - Lesson 271 Each day, each hour, every instant, I am choosing what I want to look upon, the sounds I want to hear, the witnesses to what I want to be the truth for me. Today I choose to look upon what Christ would have me see, to listen to God's Voice, and seek the witnesses to what is true in God's Creation.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Monday, March 2, 2015
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Friday, February 27, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Friday, January 16, 2015
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
Are you stuck in a life that hurts
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