Monday, August 31, 2015

The Ignite Your Inner Millionaire conference’s sole aim is to help people stop punishing themselves for the mistakes they may have made in the past and using these mistakes as a Launchpad to achieving greater things by avoiding these mistakes the next time around. Let us help you jumpstart your inner millionaire. Register today at www.igniteyourmillionaire.con “Stephanie Wilson – Coleman’s workshops and counseling are phenomenal. I have personally witnessed her effectiveness in helping others move to the next level in their lives. Her techniques are unique, in that they combine traditional spiritual and new – age components that helps everyone conquer the residue left by life’s traumatic experiences. - Danielle (Dani) Waters, Stylist and owner of Total Hair Experience (T. H. E) Salon.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Fire Marshall threatens to shut down Orlando Convention Center due to wall to wall, standing room only crowds (Orlando, FL) Stephanie Wilson-Coleman, the Empowerment Doctor, author of Be Sure You Dance: Life’s lessons to make every moment count; Embracing Life’s Lessons: Journey to Inner Peace and Tranquility and Is Anybody Listening? A Journey to Wholeness and Host of A Sip of Inspiration Television Show, filled the Orlando Convention Center with wall to wall, standing room only crowds rooms for her workshops - Me, Myself & I; The Core Relationship; Get a Life: Setting Yourself up for Success and Toxic Relationships. Stephanie Wilson-Coleman, a key facilitator for the 2015 Blacks in Government National Training Institute Conference held August 24-27, 2015, led participants through soul cleansing and tear-jerking memories and experiences so they could clear the path to success and prosperity in their own lives.

For those whose dreams have been derailed by the mountains in their lives, e.g. poverty, abuse, teenage parents, etc. but still have a strong desire to achieve something great in their lifetime. Finally, You can now get instant access to the exact success used by some of the most successful people on the plant but time is running out short, so take action now. Claim your seats now at

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Stephanie Wilson-Coleman, the Empowerment Doctor, has posted a new blog discussing 4 easy ways to improve your finances.

4 easy steps to put you on the road to financial success


Are You Financially Fit?
4 easy steps to put you on the road to financial success

 “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2)” is a bible verse we are all too familiar with.  We are always renewing our minds, but are we changing the way we think and feel about money?
     We’ve become addicted to easy ways to accomplish our dreams.  We stay in touch with our family and friends, and send birthday greetings and well wishes using social media.  Somehow making the phone call and having the actual conversation has become burdensome.  If we will not do the work to nurture key relationships, then we will not do the work required to change our beliefs and actions to the level required to make it to “millionaire” status.  So we look for the easy way to become a millionaire.  We choose to play the lottery.  This lottery consciousness has taken us by a storm.  20% of Americans regularly invest in a game, with the hope of winning, that has the worst odds – 1 in 175 million.  But everyone wants to be a millionaire.  And this seems to be the quick way.  But Proverbs 10:4 says “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.”
    Money is energy and all energy is creating with our relationship with our thoughts, feelings, images and action.  How you feel about money plus how you circulate money will determine your financial wealth.  Developing a millionaire mind-set or consciousness is required if you are to “Be a Millionaire”; and it is easier than you think.   Because 85% of all millionaires and 75% of all billionaires are self-made, the odds of becoming a millionaire are better than the odds of winning the lottery. 
     Let’s start with the easy steps. 
     Gratitude – Where you place your attention is what you create.  Every day write down 3 - 5 things for which you are grateful.   This keeps your mind focused on positive things.  The Happiness Advantage has proven that the brain works better at the positive and not the negative.  When you are happy, your productively increases by 31% and 40% more likely to receive a promotion. 
     Stop Hosting Pity Parties – In the midst of challenges in your life, look for the win-win.  Stop associating with “pitiful” people; people who are always complaining, always sad and never had a good things to talk about. 
     Don’t talk about your problems; you can never rise above the level of your conversation.  Practice the 80/20 rule.  80% of the people don’t care and 20% of the people are glad it is you.
     Know what you want - One of the biggest obstacles to making money is our lack of understanding.  But to make money, you must be financially literate. 
     Visualization will help you see yourself in your wealth, so create a mental video that you watch several times a day and create an audio recording using your voice that contains statements about your successes.
         Create a Road map -
·         Build a bridge between visualization to reality by setting goals
·         Set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals
·         Daily complete 5 things toward you vision
·         With each goal, list action steps that you will create

With these steps you are well on your way.  “Whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with much.”

Remember life is too short to drink cheap champagne.  Dream Big.

We are MISSING the fact that success is not dependent on the workplace or the economy. It is fueled by our thoughts, our beliefs and our emotions. If you do not change your mindset, you will not change your life. In the Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference you will learn and “TEST” simple strategies to change your belief. Don't miss this life changing event. Register today at

Friday, August 28, 2015

I remember it like it was yesterday…I was so hesitant to invest in the ONE event that shifted my life—overnight. From a life filled with enormous struggles. to a life filled with abundance. I often think back and wonder—where would I be had I not taken that action—invested that tiny sum (which seemed huge at the time!), gotten up early that day—put on my Sunday best—and discovered the missing key to IGNITING MY OWN INNER MILLIONAIRE…I’d hate for you to miss out, but I’ll be 100% HONEST. You’ll never know what it’s like unless you sign up now. Sign up today at

Thursday, August 27, 2015

If you’ve been on the fence about attending IGNITE YOUR INNER MILLIONAIRE, just realize now…taking action is your next step. If you don’t take action and sign up, I simply can’t help you IGNITE YOUR INNER MILLIONAIRE. Join me LIVE for the Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference. October 3, 2015, Tinley Park Convention Center, Tinley Park, IL for $ 125.00 per person. Register Today at

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

So I’m here, to remind YOU, that it’s time to reclaim your Prosperity birthright, acknowledge your true power, and IGNITE YOUR INNER MILLIONAIRE. It’s 1 day, and while you’ll get everything you need to IGNITE YOUR INNER MILLIONAIRE, if it were up to me—just knowing what I’d know—I’d even sign up just to make connections (because you never know how many amazing people you’ll rub elbows with at my events). Join us today. Register Today at Seating is limited.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference, which is more like a boot camp, designed to create the intensity necessary to bring inner adversity and turmoil to closure so you can finally stop sabotaging your success. For 1 amazing life changing day, you will be immersed in high-energy exercises designed to teach you how to resolve conflicts, achieve goals, boost your self-esteem, build your confidence and create financial prosperity. Seating is limited. Already 50% sold. Register today at

Monday, August 24, 2015

I am extending a personal invitation to you to attend one of the most powerful conferences of the year - The 2015 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference. I created a powerful conference that helps you dig deep inside of yourself and discover what’s been holding you back. No matter what you do in the outer, if what you believe deep down inside is not in alignment with what you do in the outer, you will not be successful. Register Today at and discover the missing piece.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Do you have what it takes to make bold moves that will change your life? Or are you content living a humdrum life? Which is it? In order to achieve success, you have to first awaken the millionaire that lives inside of you. Once the inner giant is awaken, then you will be able to jump start the outer millionaire. The Ignite Your Inner Millionaire conference’s sole aim is to help people stop punishing themselves for the mistakes they may have made in the past and using these mistakes as a Launchpad to achieving greater things by avoiding these mistakes the next time around. “Stephanie Wilson – Coleman’s workshops and counseling are phenomenal. I have personally witnessed her effectiveness in helping others move to the next level in their lives. Her techniques are unique, in that they combine traditional spiritual and new – age components that helps everyone conquer the residue left by life’s traumatic experiences. Register Today at

Saturday, August 22, 2015

What if you could take your frustrations and turn them into dreams? I created a powerful conference that helps you dig deep inside of yourself and discover what’s been holding you back. When I finally got it……no matter what you do in the outer, if what you believe deep down inside is not in alignment with what you do in the outer, you will not be successful. My story began in Little Rock, Arkansas, where I graduated at the top of her class despite of becoming a mother at 15; experiencing multiple instances of sexual abuse, and temporary homelessness. Today, I am happily married and financially secure. And life just gets better and better. You can do it too. Join me LIVE for the Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference October 3, 2015 at the Tinley Park Convention Center, 18451 Convention Center Tinley Park IL.

Friday, August 21, 2015

So what do you say? Are you ready to take the leap? Are you ready to live the story of a lifetime? The Ignite Your Millionaire conference is one not to be missed and is for anyone who wants to experience rebirth, growth and success in their life. One of last year's participants, Tonya Smith said: "The 2014 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire conference was enlightening and empowering for women. Great information was imparted and I learned the great qualities I had." Registration for the conference is now on and will end on September 12, 2015. Registration is free but the conference fee is $125 per person. For further information or to register to attend the event, visit:

Thursday, August 20, 2015

The 2015 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference will help you make a permanent U-turn off the path of failure to the road to success. Visit for details. Register today. Registration ends September 12, 2015.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Are you ready to take the leap toward success and rewrite your life's story by using the power of thought, word and actions? Are you ready to create a life that works? The 2015 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference is for you. Go to and register today. Registration ends September 12, 2015.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A Sip of Inspiration Television Show celebrates it's 100th episode on Tuesday, August 18, 2015. Topic: Bad Boys Doing Great Things. We will highlight the outstanding accomplishments of ex-offenders.

I ask "what story are you telling in your life today? If you story is filled with adversity and obstacles, I can help you rewrite it. The 2015 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference is a day power-packed with vibrant sessions that will boost self esteem and build the confidence of those in attendance. Participants will be inspired to create millionaire habits, reorganize their life to live their dreams, set attainable goals to experience their ideal life and more. Go to to register today, Registration end September 12, 2015.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Are you ready to take the leap toward success and rewrite your life's story by using the power of thought, word and actions? Are you ready to create a life that works? The 2015 Ignite Your Inner Millionaire Conference is for you. Go to and register today. Registration ends September 12, 2015. Time is running out.